Hubstaff frequently asked questions for new users

Whether you’re just getting started with Hubstaff, or want to learn more about our features, this list will help you use Hubstaff like a seasoned pro! You can browse through the topics below to find what you are looking for:


What is Hubstaff?


Hubstaff offers a simple application that you can install on your computer and mobile device to track time, activity levels of the mouse and keyboard, and take screenshots while you are working.

desktop app refresh button

Users can select a project, and Hubstaff will then track time and activity to that specific project, which becomes viewable in the web application ( When a user is running Hubstaff, randomized screenshots of each connected screen will be taken about every 10 minutes depending on the employer settings. Depending on the employer settings and plan type: Used applications, visited URLs, and GPS Locations (mobile apps only) will also be tracked.


What should I do if the invite expires?


Reach out to your direct point of contact at the company (Manager, employer, HR representative) and ask them to resend the invite on the Members page. You will then receive a new email that you can accept the invitation with.

Resend invite

The Project management page can be accessed via the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page.

Screenshot 2023 04 24 at 10.09.26 PM

How to check if there are assigned projects?
I can’t track my time, even if a project is showing on the Project management page


How to check if there are assigned projects?


Simply navigate to Project management > Projects 

Under the Active tab, you will see the project/ projects that are assigned to you.

With an assigned project




Projects page


No assigned project

No projects


If you do not have a project assigned. You’ll have to reach out to your direct point of contact at the company (Manager, employer, HR representative) and ask them to assign you to a project to be able to start tracking time.


I can’t track my time, even if a project is showing on the Project management page


If you have a project assigned on the Project Management page and no project is showing on the Hubstaff timer. You’ll have to reach out to your direct point of contact at the company (Manager, employer, HR representative) and ask them to make sure that time tracking is enabled on your account.

How to Enable time tracking for Team Members


I’m getting an error when starting the Hubstaff web timer “This project cannot be tracked on this client”

project cannot be track on client

If you see this message it means you are only allowed to track time on the Desktop app, you can download it here-

If you need to track time using other Hubstaff timers, you’ll have to reach out to your direct point of contact at the company (Manager, employer, HR representative) and ask them to change the setting for you.

They can simply navigate to Settings & Policies > Timer & Tracking > Allowed Apps, they can change the setting to All Apps

Allowed apps

How do I get paid?
What payment/payroll schedules are available?
How do users add their payment accounts?
Why were hours only marked paid and no actual payments were sent?


How do I get paid?


The method of payment for your work is decided by the company you are working for. They may be paying you outside of Hubstaff’s internal payment system and you should reach out to your direct point of contact at the company (Manager, employer, HR representative) to confirm if you have any questions.


What payment/payroll schedules are available?

These pay periods apply if your employer/ company uses Hubstaff’s internal payment feature


How can you add your payment account to receive payments?

The following applies only if your employer/ company uses Hubstaff’s internal payment feature:

Here is a guide on adding your payment account: After you have added your default payment account, your employer can add you to payroll (Financials > Payroll > Add member to payroll (only they will see these options)).


Why were hours only marked paid and no actual payments were sent?

The following applies only if your employer/ company uses Hubstaff’s internal payment feature:

In order for a payment to be sent, the following criteria that must be met:

  1. A payroll account must be set up properly by the employer.
    1. Payoneer payment account
    2. Bitwage payment account
    3. PayPal payment account
    4. TransferWise payment account
    5. Hubstaff payment account
  2. Automatic payments should be enabled.

If this criterion is not met, hours can only be marked as paid and no actual funds can be sent to users.


Who is my manager or org owner?


Please contact the company where you signed up and ask who your point of contact should be.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at


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