How to Remove a User or Member from your Organization in Hubstaff

If you have a user of your team who no longer needs to track time, you can remove them from your organization. Once a team member is removed, they will no longer have access to your organization.

Table of Contents

What data will and will not be available after the removal

What will be removed

Once you remove a member from your organization, you will lose access to some data:

  1. If you have enabled the Timesheet approvals option, the timesheets will be hidden for the removed member.
  2. The detailed data on the View & edit timesheets page will be hidden.
  3. The detailed data regarding Activities (screenshots, apps, and URLs) won’t be accessible, thus you won’t be able to see it on the site as usual.
  4. A removed member will not be included in the next Payroll, and no payment will be generated for them.
  5. Similarly, you won’t be able to select a removed member to Send a payment, so make sure they got all their outstanding payments before being removed. Otherwise, you may pay them outside Hubstaff.

What will stay available

However, you will still have access to the historical activity data and will be able to download screenshots (please, check our data retention policy).

  1. Owners and managers will be able to download screenshots, both for active and removed members.
  2. Data will also be available in the Reports section. If you need to select a removed member, use the filters and navigate to the Removed members section at the bottom of the list under the TEAMS/ MEMBERS filter. In order to view a member’s name in the dropdown, make sure to apply the date filters back to the period when the member was part of the organization.

removed members

How to remove a team member

Should you wish to remove a member, these are the steps to take:

  1. Click on People and select Members from the main navigation menu.
  2. Select Actions on the far right-hand side of the member you wish to remove. If you can’t see this right away, you may need to scroll or move the toggle to reach it
  3. Click on Remove member from the drop-down menu.

people member remove member

How to restore a removed member

Hubstaff allows you to restore the removed members of your organization to get full access to their detailed data (e.g., viewing their screenshots on the site again if this data hasn’t been removed due to the data retention policy) or to let them continue working in your organization.

For this, simply send the invitation to the same email address this member had previously. Please, check here on how to invite a member.

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