How can I add, delete or edit time manually?

This video is divided into chapters, to skip directly to the section for Adding and removing time, click here

It is possible to add, edit or delete recorded time in Hubstaff via Daily and Weekly Timesheets as well as the Calendar.

The Modify Time setting needs to be enabled for users to be able to add or edit time. Please contact your organization owner/manager to enable this for you.
Members with time tracking disabled won’t be able to add, edit, or delete time entries even if Modify time is enabled.
Please note that users will always have the ability to delete their own time entries unless their time tracking is disabled.
When time entries are deleted, screenshots and activity levels are deleted permanently from the server and cannot be restored. Please exercise caution when deleting activities. Time entries can be added manually when deleted by mistake.

To do this, please follow the instructions on this page.

Table of Contents


Adding time manually for daily Timesheets

Step 1

First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu. Then click Add time.

add time timesheet 1

Step 3

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter the details of the manual time entry. This is where you will input a new time entry or change the project the time was tracked to.

add time modal 1

The project, start time, end time, and providing a reason are all required fields.

Click Save to commit the entry to your timesheet.

If a time entry overlaps with another entry, the time within the overlap will be associated with the project/task on the new time entry.


Step 4

Your time entry will now appear on your timesheets, activity, and reports as shown below:

Daily Timesheets
Timesheet View edit Add time Timesheets2

screenshot page member

Manual time edit reports
Manual entries will appear in reporting under the Manual time edits report:

  1. Time added manually will always be recorded with 0% activity
  2. Notes are displayed on this report as well
manua edit report

Timesheet View edit Add time Manual time edits

Organization owners and organization managers (when enabled) are allowed to add manual time beyond set user limits.

Once an org owner/manager adds time above set weekly/daily user limits, they will receive a notification letting them know that the time they are attempting to add will cause users to go above the limit.

over limit dialog

Deleting, editing, and splitting time manually for Daily Timesheets


Step 1

You can delete, edit, and split a time entry via the Daily Timesheets page. First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu. Click on the Actions menu next to the relevant time span. Select the appropriate action from the drop-down list.

edit timesheet

Timesheet View edit Edit

Alternatively, you can also click on either the duration (1) or time span (2) column links to edit the time from directly within the window.

edit time timesheet

Timesheet View edit Edit column3

Step 3

You will be presented with the following options:

Edit a time entry

Editing time allows you to extend or shorten the time span of a pre-existing entry, or change the project or To-do it belongs to. Simply select the Project or To-do (1), and assign the new time span (2). Click Save to confirm the changes.

Timesheet View edit Edit popup

Timesheet View edit Edit popup

Split a time entry

Splitting time allows you to move or delete part of an existing entry to another time or date. You can also change which project or To-do the time tracked belongs to under this option. Simply select Reassign time (1), select the time span, and select the relevant Project or To-do (2), click Add reason (3) to give some context, Click Save to confirm the changes.

reassign time 1

Delete time entry

This option will delete the entire time period. Please note once the time is deleted it cannot be restored. Press Delete to confirm the changes.

delete entry


Adding time manually for Weekly Timesheets

Step 1

First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select Weekly, select the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu, and then click Add time.

weekly view

Step 3

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter the details of the manual time entry. This is where you will input a new time entry or change the project the time was tracked to.

The project, start time, end time and a reason are all required fields. 

Click Save to commit the entry to your timesheet.

Step 4

Your time entry will now appear on your timesheets and reports as per below:

Daily Timesheets
daily view timesheet


screenshot page member

screenshot manual time

Manual time edit reports
Manual entries will appear in reporting under the Manual time edits report:

  1. Time added manually will always be recorded with 0% activity
  2. Notes are displayed on this report as well
manua edit report

Timesheet View edit Add time Manual time edits

Organization owners and organization managers (when enabled) are allowed to add manual time beyond set user limits.

Once an org owner/manager adds time above set weekly/daily user limits, they will receive a notification letting them know that the time they are attempting to add will cause users to go above the limit.

over limit dialog


Deleting, editing, and splitting time manually for Weekly Timesheets

Step 1

You can delete, edit, and split a time entry via the Weekly Timesheets page. First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select Weekly (1), select the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu (2), and click on the block of time you wish to edit (3). A pop-up window will appear showing three icons (4), that can be selected to edit, split, or delete time.

delete time weekly

Step 3

You will be presented with the following options:

Edit time entry

Click the edit icon to edit the selected time period.

Editing time allows you to extend or shorten the time span of a pre-existing entry, or change the project or To-do it belongs to. Simply select the Project or To-do (1), and assign the new time span (2). Click Save to confirm the changes.

Timesheet View edit Edit popup

Timesheet View edit Edit popup

Split time entry

Click the split icon to split the selected time period.

Splitting time allows you to move or delete part of an existing entry to another time or date. You can also change which project or To-do the tracked time belongs to under this option. Simply assign the new time span (1) and select the relevant Project or To-do (2), click Add reason (3) to give some context, Click Save to confirm the changes.


Delete time entry

Click the Delete icon to delete the selected time period.

This option will delete the entire time period. Please note once the time is deleted, it cannot be restored. Press Delete to confirm the changes.

delete entry


Adding time manually for Calendar Timesheets

Step 1

First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select Calendar (1), select the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu (2), then click Add time (3). Alternatively, you can click on any block on the calendar to add time to it.

add time calendar view

Step 3

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter the details of the manual time entry. This is where you will input a new time entry or change the project the time was tracked to.

add time timesheet calendar

Add time for Calendar Timesheets popup

The project, start time, end time, and providing a reason are all required fields. 

Click Save to commit the entry to your timesheet.

Step 4

Your time entry will now appear on your timesheets and reports as per below:

Daily Timesheets
calendar add time


screenshot page member

screenshot manual time

Manual time edit reports
Manual entries will appear in reporting under the Manual time edits report:

  1. Time added manually will always be recorded with 0% activity
  2. Notes are displayed on this report as well
Add time for Calendar maual time edits

Add time for Calendar maual time edits

Organization owners and organization managers (when enabled) are allowed to add manual time beyond set user limits.

Once an org owner/manager adds time above set weekly/daily user limits, they will receive a notification letting them know that the time they are attempting to add will cause users to go above the limit.

over limit dialog


Deleting, editing, and splitting time manually for Calendar Timesheets

Step 1

You can delete, edit, and split a time entry via the Calendar Timesheets page. First, navigate to the Timesheets > View & edit section from the main menu.

Step 2

Select Calendar (1), the user’s name whose time you wish to edit from the drop-down menu (2), and click on the block of time you wish to edit (3). A pop-up window will appear showing three buttons (4), which can be selected to edit, split, or delete time.

edit time calendar view

Step 3

You will be presented with the following options:

Edit time entry

Click the edit button to edit the selected time period.

Editing time allows you to extend or shorten the time span of a pre-existing entry, or change the project or To-do it belongs to. Simply select the Project or To-do (1), and assign the new time span (2). Click Save to confirm the changes.

Split time entry

Click the Split icon to split the selected time period.

Splitting time allows you to move or delete part of an existing entry to another time or date. You can also change which project or To-do the tracked time belongs to under this option. Simply assign the new time span (1) and select the relevant Project or To-do (2). Click Save to confirm the changes.



Delete time entry

Click the Delete button to delete the selected time period.

This option will delete the entire time period. Please note once the time is deleted it cannot be restored. Press Delete to confirm the changes.

delete entry


Modify Time Organization Settings

To provide access for team members to add and edit time entries manually, click on Settings (1) from the main navigation bar, then select Features (2) from the drop-down menu. Click on the Timesheets tab (3), then Modify time (4).

Settings can be defined for the entire organization (5) or enabled only for specific individuals (6).

modify time settings 1


Manual Time FAQ

Q: Will adding manual time overwrite time logs that currently exist?
A: Yes. Manual time entries will overwrite any previous manual time or automatic time that was tracked. Hubstaff will warn you before any changes are saved, so be careful to read these notifications. Once you overwrite a time log it CANNOT be recovered.

Q: Can I add time for more than one project in the same time span?
A: No. Hubstaff will only allow you to work on one project during a given 10-minute interval. Adding time to a different project during the same time span will overwrite any pre-existing time that was tracked.

Q: Will manual time appear on the activities and reports page?
A: Yes. Manual time logs will appear under your activities section and on the manual time report.

Q: Can I add or delete manual time for others?
A: Yes. Organization owners and managers can add or delete time for others. If you wish to do this, please remember to enable Modify time settings for yourself.

Q: How do I adjust which members of my team can add manual time and which members cannot?
A: There is a setting called Modify Time in the settings of your main organization. You can adjust those settings there.

Q: Can I add or edit time in second increments?
A. Yes, you can add/edit time down to the second.

Q: Do I get notified when someone modifies their time manually? 
A. Yes, manual time edits are included in our daily reports.

Q: Can I add work notes when I add time manually? 
A. Yes, the ‘work note’ on the add time dialog is a convenient way to quickly add a note without having to go to the activities page. If you need to edit a note you need to do that from the Activities page.

Q: Why am I getting an error message saying “Please review the warnings and check the boxes to confirm that you want to make these changes” when adding/editing/deleting time?

A. These errors appear when the time the user tracked meets the following criteria:

  • Locked time: If you are using an external time tracking platform (Integrations) time is marked as locked. You can learn more about locked time here. When the time is edited, the total hours between Hubstaff and the integrated platform will no longer be in sync.
  • Paid time: If the time has been marked as paid either through exported time or payroll it cannot be edited. Once the paid time is edited, the payment record will be removed from the platform.
  • Invoiced time: when the time tracked is invoiced. Once the invoiced time is edited, the status of the invoice will be changed to “Open.”
  • Permissions: The ability to edit time is controlled by your employer, If you receive an error when editing time saying “You do not have permission to edit time” please contact your employer.
Only organization owners are able to override all locked time. Managers can edit non-paid time. Users are unable to edit any time that is attached to other data.

Time formatting guide

Please follow the formatting guide below to correctly input your time entries.

Start/Stop field’s input most common formats:

  • 0  = 12:00 AM
  • 12 = 12:00 PM
  • 13 = 1:00 PM
  • 1:05 = 1:05 AM
  • 1.15pm = 1:09 PM
  • 1.5am = 1:30 AM
  • 15.45 = 3:27 PM
  • 13pm = 1:00 PM
  • 1135 = 11:35 AM
  • 2335 = 11:35 PM

Duration most common formats:

  • HH:mm, where “HH” is hours and “mm” is minutes.
    • Examples
      • 18:20
  • H(.d), where “H” is hours and “(.d)” is a fraction of hours and it’s optional. Alternatively, the separator could be “,”.
    • Examples
      • 18.5 = 18:30
      • 18 = 00:18
      • 18,5 = 18:30
  • Hours and Minutes.
    • Hours:
      • 1h = 01:00
      • 1 h = 01:00
      • 1hour = 01:00
      • 1 hour = 01:00
      • 1hours = 01:00
      • 1 hours = 01:00
    • Minutes:
      • 1 = 00:01
      • 1m = 00:01
      • 1 m = 00:01
      • 1min = 00:01
      • 1 min = 00:01
      • 1minute = 00:01
      • 1 minute = 00:01
      • 1minutes = 00:01
      • 1 minutes = 00:01
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