How To Set Up PayPal Payroll in Hubstaff

Hubstaff supports automatic and manual payments through PayPal.

This guide is for organization owners looking to connect their PayPal accounts to pay their team. If you are a user and want to connect your PayPal account to get paid, please see this guide.


Follow the steps below to set up your PayPal payroll account:

Required steps before setting up:

  1. Ensure the PayPal account is set up as a business account and that payouts are activated.
  2. Fund account (it cannot pull funds from a bank account or credit card).
  3. USD funds are needed in the PayPal balance.

Requesting PayPal Payouts Activation

For a list of supported countries click here.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Contact Us button.
  3. Log in to your PayPal (Portal) account. If you don’t have a portal account you can click on “Log in with PayPal” to activate your portal account.
  4. Fill in these details on the questionnaire, then hit the Submit button.
  5. Sample email message to PayPal:

Step 1

Navigate to Financials > Manage payroll.

financials manage payroll menu

Step 2

Click on the PayPal button. For users who already have other payment merchants connected, click on Manage integrations.


Step 3

You’ll be taken to the initial setup page. Once you’ve met the criteria for the setup, click the Connect button to continue.

How To Set Up PayPal Payroll in Hubstaff Set Up Integration

Step 4

You’ll be asked to log in to your PayPal account. After successfully authenticating, click on Agree to continue.

Step 5

If you have an existing PayPal Classic integration, you’ll be asked to migrate existing payroll members into the new PayPal integration. Click Migrate members to continue.

Step 6

You’ll be taken back to the PayPal integration page where you can see all team members who are part of your PayPal Payroll. To add a new member to your organization’s payroll, click on the Add member to payroll button.


Step 7

Click on Actions > Edit to configure each user’s payroll:

  1. Pay Period – lets you choose when payments are processed.
    1. Weekly: Every org week start date.
    2. Bi-weekly: Every other org week start date (There is an option to choose the Start on date)
    3. Twice per month: 16th and 31st of the month
    4. Monthly: 31st of the month
  2. Pay Type – can be set to Hourly or Fixed payments.
  3. Require timesheet approval – linked to the timesheet approval feature.
  4. Pay Rate – the amount you pay your team member.
  5. Bill Rate – the amount clients can be billed.
  6. PayPal Email – member’s PayPal email where they will be paid.

How To Set Up PayPal Payroll in Hubstaff Financials Payroll Edit Member

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