Amounts Owed Report

How do I display a report for unpaid amounts?

This report will allow you to see how much members are owed over a given period, all in a single report. You can choose date ranges, projects, and members. The report will display the amount owed to each person and the total owed to everyone based on what options you choose.

To generate this report, a pay rate must be set for your team members.

Step 1

Click on the Reports tab on the left sidebar and then select the Amounts owed. You can also “Star” the report to add it as a favorite under the Reports section.

Reports Amounts Owed 2

Step 2

You will notice that there is a Me and All tab, The Me tab is visible to everyone but the All tab is only available to owners and managers.

Me All

Select the date range for the report by clicking the Calendar icon, then the start date, and the end date, then hit “Apply.”

Calendar date range

Step 3

Filters 2

Select the Projects/ Work orders and Teams/ Members to view in the Filters menu. Make sure you enable the “Sum Date Ranges” setting to view totals (not a daily breakdown). You can also “Schedule Report“.

Filters Details

After applying the filters, the report will be generated. The report contains the following columns:

  1. Member name
  2. Current rate – the pay rate set for the specific team member.
  3. Regular hours – total regular unpaid hours for the date range selected.
  4. Overtime – total overtime unpaid hours for the date range selected.
  5. Total hours- total unpaid hours for the date range selected.
  6. Amount – total unpaid amount for each team member.

Reports Amounts Owed Users data


Sending Reports

Reports can be sent to one or more email recipients by clicking on the Send button.
Add the email recipients on the field, separating each email address with a comma, then customize the message (optional) then either send a test message by clicking the “Send me test” button or click on “Send” to send the report.

Report Send

Scheduling Reports


You can also schedule reports to be sent automatically by clicking on the “Schedule” icon. After clicking the icon, a dialog box will appear where you can:

  1. Data Filters
  2. Enter the e-mail addresses of the recipients.
  3. Customize the message on the e-mail.
  4. Choose the file type (CSV/PDF).
  5. Enter the name of the report.
  6. Choose the Date Range included in the report from:
    1. Today
    2. Yesterday
    3. Last 7 days
    4. This week
    5. Last week
    6. The last 2 weeks
    7. This month
    8. Last month
  7. Delivery Frequency – how often the report is sent. Choose from:
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Monthly (when the monthly option is selected you are provided 3 additional options: 1st of the month, 15th of the month, and Last day of the month)
  8. Delivery time – the exact time when the report is sent.
  9. Send Preview
  10. Save – stores your scheduled report, which you can view via the Scheduled Reports section.


Schedule the report details


Exporting Reports

The Amount owed report can be exported as a PDF or CSV, allowing you to keep local records of your team’s expenses.







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