Hubstaff Tasks offers a variety of agile project management methodologies and tools to help you ensure that projects and tasks are done on time and keep your team productive.
Click on a topic below to learn more about how each of our project management tools can help you:
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Sprints in Hubstaff Tasks let you focus your attention on tasks that require immediate action. It also lets you build projects and plan your week at the same time. Sprints also keep team members on track and focused on top priorities.
With Sprints, you can set specific sprint periods in weeks where a task or group of tasks needs to be completed. Adding your existing tasks to Sprints will let you know which tasks need to be prioritized weekly.
If you are familiar with or currently using Scrum or Agile methodologies, then chances are you know how valuable sprints can be in making your project management process efficient and effective.
Epics are a great way to manage a set of tasks that can encompass multiple projects and departments.
Using epics in Hubstaff Tasks will organize disparate tasks into a singular “Epic” view. For example, if you’re creating a website, and you have smaller tasks that involve multiple projects, teams or departments, and falls into a larger task, i.e. designing a header (graphic design team), formatting CSS (developers), etc., it would be best to create one Epic so you can manage all the tasks that fall into one larger task in one page.
Looking for more information about agile best practices and how Tasks can help your team achieve effortless iterative improvement? Check out Hubstaff’s guide to agile project management by clicking here.
Hubstaff Tasks’ new Stand Ups feature offers organization owners and managers an agile way to keep up to date with what their staff is working on.
Team members will be to submit an update each day or week detailing what they worked on that day, what they are going to work on next, and if they ran into any blockers.
Standups help you stay updated with how your team is tracking with their assigned projects and tasks.
Looking for more information about agile best practices and how Tasks can help your team achieve effortless iterative improvement? Check out Hubstaff’s guide to agile project management by clicking here.
To learn more about Standups, click here.