How to reauthenticate integrations in Hubstaff

When you find that some tasks are taking longer than usual to upload to Hubstaff from your integration, you may want to re-authenticate the connection to your integration or manually force a sync. To do this, simply follow the steps below.

Important: Only users who have administrator access to all linked projects and workspaces should authenticate the integration otherwise the projects they do not have admin access to will be disabled and tasks will not appear for the users on those projects.


Step 1

To re-authenticate an integration, navigate to Settings > Integrations on the sidebar.

menu settings & policies integrations

Step 2

On the far right side of the integration, click the Actions button along with the Re-authenticate button.


You can also click on the integration name navigate to the integration’s Settings page, and then click the Re-authenticate option as shown below


Step 3

Once you click Re-authenticate you will be presented with a pop-up asking for you to authorize the integration. Please note once you have selected Continue you will be taken out of Hubstaff to the integrations website.


Step 4

You will be prompted to log into the integration’s website. Once you have logged in successfully you will be taken back to the Hubstaff Integration screen. Then you will receive a popup confirming that your integration has successfully re-authenticated:

To manually force synchronization per project, please refer to this article.

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