Manual time approvals

Manual time approvals allow organization owners, managers, and team leads (when enabled) to review any manual time additions or edits before time is added to the team member’s payable timesheets.

manual time approval Sample

Users can still delete time without approvals with this feature enabled.
Only organization owners, managers, and team leads (when enabled) are allowed to approve time edits.

Table of contents

How to enable manual time approvals

Please follow this guide, to turn on approvals:

Step 1

Navigate to Settings > Activity & tracking > Timesheets.

settings activity tracking timesheets

Step 2

On the Modify time tab, toggle the Require approval when time is added setting.

modify time manual time approval

Approving/denying time additions and edits

pending manual time approval

When the manual time approval feature is enabled, each time team members add or edit time, it will require approval before the time is added to a user’s timesheet.

To approve or deny a request:

Step 1

Navigate to Timesheets > Approvals.

Timesheets Approvals

Step 2

Click on the Manual time tab.

manual time tab

Step 3

Cick the Actions button, where you can either view, approve, deny, or delete the request.

manual time approvals actions

Step 4

Here are the specific dialog screens based on your selection:


On the Approve dialog, click on the Approve button to add the time to the user’s timesheet.

manual time approve


On the Deny dialog, you can state the reason for time denial, then click the Deny button.

manual time deny



Click OK to delete the manual time request.

manual time delete

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