Hubstaff Insights Add-on

Level up your team’s efficiency and productivity by using the Hubstaff Insights add-on.

With Hubstaff Insights, you can view and compare activity benchmarks, as well as define productive and unproductive apps and URLs.

This feature is a paid add-on available on the Starter and Grow plans, and included in Team and Enterprise plans.
Add-ons are not available on free plans.
Organizations on Starter plans will not have access to productive/unproductive apps/URLs and productivity scores.

Table of contents

Signing up for the Insights add-on

Step 1

To sign up for the Insights add-on, navigate to Settings & Policies > Billing.

settings and policies billing

Step 2

On the Insights box, click Try it for free. This will start your 14-day trial.


Step 3

If you’d like to continue with the paid version before the trial ends, click Add Hubstaff Insights. Insights are priced at $2/user on monthly plans, $5.50 per quarter (or $1.83/user/month on quarterly plans) or $20/year ($1.67/user/month when billed annually, billing is prorated and will be added to your next billing cycle).


Step 4

The confirmation dialog will appear. It will display the total cost of the add-on as well as how many users count towards the price. Click Add Insights to continue.

add insights dialog annual

All add-ons are automatically billed after a plan’s trial expires.

Insights page

The Insights page can be accessed via the Insights menu on the dashboard sidebar.

insights menu

Let’s break down the insights page per section.

App and URL data required for the productivity metric is recorded using desktop apps. To see the functionality of each app, click here.



The top section includes a snapshot of your team’s productivity for ease of access to critical metrics. This includes the following:

  1. Settings – allows you to define productive/unproductive URLs.
    insights settings
  2. Date picker and timezone selector  – select the date range for the data you wish to view. You can also change the timezone when you select the daily views (today/yesterday).
    timezone selector
  3. Teams/member picker – allows you to choose teams or specific team member data.
    insights team member picker
  4. Detailed teams/member picker – allows you to choose teams and/or individual team members.
    insights detailed teams members

Engagement score

Engagement scores are a quick way to analyze how team members are doing, and helps managers to understand and identify which team members need help or are performing.

insights engagement score

Interpreting the score

If the final score is 100, it means that the member sits perfectly on their job type’s median values, which is a good indicator. The score could exceed 100 points, which until a certain point is also a good indicator, meaning that the member is more engaged than the normal values for the job type. But after a certain point, it starts indicating burn out or cheating behavior.

What must be setup to calculate an Engagement Score
  1. Track Apps & URLs must be set to “ON”.

  2. Each individual must have an occupation set.

  3. Individual must be tracking time with the Hubstaff desktop app.

  4. Engagement score must have time to calculate for the filtered date range. For example data currently being tracked “Today” may not have Engagement Score data yet calculated. Similarly on Monday the score may not yet be calculated for “This Week” date filter.


The benchmarks toggle allows you to compare your organization’s averages compared to your industry (i.e. hospitality, based on your industry selection) and/or to the average Hubstaff customer data.

benchmarks toggle

Below is a sample comparing an organization’s activity to industry average.

benchmarks sample




Helps managers balance workloads by setting targets for how much their team should work and inform them when members are under or overworked. The bias should be on the left if a user is underworked and the opposite when the bias is on the right. This is based on the average work hours spent by your team members vs. the average work hours set based on their weekly limits.

insights utilization average

Organizations can customize the Expected work hours via the Members page so they can see Utilization based on how much members are expected to work.

expected work hours

Work time classification

The percentage of core productive apps and URLs over total time spent.
work time classification
Example: An employee worked for 10 hours. Of that time, 30 minutes was added manually, the user was on unproductive apps/URLs for a total of 45 minutes. Their productivity score would be 87%, with this breakdown:

    • 87% Productive
    • 8% Unproductive
    • 5% Unclassified

Daily focus

insights daily focus widget

  • A focus work session is considered when members track time to one project or task for 30+ min without interruptions.

  • Metrics are calculated per member/day

  • The widget shows you how much time your team spends in focus mode.


  • Focus time – Average daily total focus time per member
  • Sessions – Average # of sessions within the selected time period
  • Average length – Average focus session length, or duration, per member / da

daily focus


The percentage of keyboard/mouse activity against total time tracked.
activity widget.pnh

insights meetings mockup
Gain valuable insights by connecting your team’s calendars. You’ll know when:
  • Meetings are taking up too much time;
  • People distracted during meetings;
  • If meetings have too many attendees;
  • How many meetings are recurring
  • Amount spent on meetings

How does it work?

First, an administrator needs to sign in to either their Google or Microsoft account via the Insights > Meetings widget.

meetings widget sign in

  • The meetings widget integrates with either:
    • Google Workspace
    • Microsoft Office 365:
      • Emails sent, received, unread
      • Amount of calls, time spent on calls
      • Messages sent and received
      • Collaboration data
  • It shows the number of meetings the selected party (all members, user, or team) has participated in during the selected time period.
  • Totals the duration of time spent in those meetings
  • Filter out events that we don’t think are meetings
    • Rules:
      • Event must have more than 1 attendee
      • Must be an event type (not a reminder or to-do)
  • It calculates the cost of meetings
  • Determines if a meeting event is internal or external
    • This only works if everyone in the company uses a company email address. If so, we can determine if all attendees have email addresses on the company’s email domain

Work time expenditure

Apps and URLs visited by your team is grouped into categories are displayed here according to their classification.

insights work time expenditure

Team collaboration

The meetings widget integrates with either:
Google Workspace
Microsoft Office 365:
Emails sent, received, unread
Amount of calls, time spent on calls
Messages sent and received
Collaboration data

Top Apps & URLs

Top used applications and URLs within the timeframe specified.
top apps urls


The leaderboard shows a descending list of team members based on productivity. It also shows each user’s total time tracked, activity, productivity and any achievements they have earned.

leaderboard sample

You can also:

  1. Click the View all button to expand the leaderboard list to view all team members, or;
    insights leaderboard view all
  2. Toggle the Trend data button to compare trends from the exact period prior to the chosen period on the date selector which looks at the same number of days in the previous timespan. For example, if today is May 5th, the trend data is only calculating it compared to the first 5 days of April.
    trend data


The categories widget displays the top recorded application and URL category types shown in descending order based on usage.

insights categories widget

Performance highlights

Unusual activity

When Hubstaff Insights is active for your organization, organization owners and managers are both informed, through the unusual activity widget, and notified through email about users employing software that mimic keyboard/mouse movements to produce simulated activity.

Unusual activity is activity that meets criteria that sets it apart from normal activity metrics. Just because activity is unusual does not always mean it is malicious or even wrong.
Unusual activity widget

The Unusual activity widget can display individual data or team Unusual activity data as shown below and is located under the Insights > Highlights tab.


unusual activity team

Unusual activity is divided into these categories:

  1. Suspicious app/URL – any detected applications or websites that mimic activity.
  2. Long single input activity – flagged when there is no activity detected for one of two input devices, either the mouse or keyboard for more than 30 minutes.
  3. Unusually high activity – very high activity from either the keyboard, mouse or both.

Clicking on the user list will show the distribution for all team members as shown below:

unusual activity members


unusual activity individual

Clicking on an instance will pull up activity/screenshots that corresponds to the flagged unusual activity as shown here:

unusual activity detail


insights highlights v2

The highlights section will show you differences in metrics between teams/members using the below stats:

  • Avg. activity (percentage) per day/week/month.
  • Avg. worked time (hours) per day/week/month
  • Avg. time gap (percentage) per day/week/month
  • Avg. core work (percentage?) per day/week/month
  • Avg. number of projects and/or tasks worked on per day.

Additional data:

  • Work gaps
  • Focus time
  • Core work
  • Schedules
  • Projects – how many projects is someone assigned to?
  • Allow management to set goals per member for each
  • Track improvement over time

You can also toggle left and right on select cards to see more highlights about each user/team.

insights performance highlights toggle


Hubstaff Insights now offers an integration with Github. To set that up, please follow this guide.

GitHub sample page

Notification sample:


fake activity email

You can also see notifications about unusual activity on these sections:

  1. Insights page – Top Apps and URLs widget
    fake activity top app url
  2. Settings & policies > Features > Insights > App and URL classification
    fake activity app url classification



Hubstaff Insights settings

To access the insights settings page, navigate to Settings & Policies > Features. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Insights menu on your sidebar then click Settings.

Settings Features

App/URL classification

Here you can classify apps and URLs as core/non-core work, and unproductive.

app url classification insights settings

Smart notifications

Our smart notifications feature allows you to be notified through email, Slack, and/or within Insights by choosing specific criteria, such as members overworking, underworking, low/high activity, etc.

Smart notifications can be created for the following Hubstaff metrics:

  • Daily work time 
  • Core work
  • Non-core work
  • Unproductive work
  • Activity
  • Time spent on App
  • Time spent on URL

To create a custom smart notification, follow these steps:


Step 1

To add a new notification, first navigate to Insights, be sure the Performance tab is selected and then select the Smart notifications button.

smart notifications button

Step 2

Click on New notification.

create notification

Step 3

Add the notification name and notification frequency.
smart notification name frequency

Frequencies available:

  1. Every hour
  2. Every day
  3. Every week
  4. Every month

Step 4

After adding the name, define the When section. For example, if you wish to add a smart notification about users exceeding an 8-hour workday, this is what your When section should look like:
smart notifications when

Step 5

Next, define the Then section of the notification – this defines what happens when the When criteria has been met. Notifications can be sent to either teams or individual team members.

smart notifications then section

Step 6

Choose the delivery channel:
delivery channel smart notifications

  • Show on Insights – shows the notification within the Insights > highlights tab.
  • Send via email – sends the notification via the designated email address.
  • Send to Slack – (can be enabled when the Slack integration is connected) sends a notification via Slack.

Step 7

Finally, click Save to commit your changes.

save button


Below is a sample smart notification email for work hours exceeding 30 minutes per day:

smart notifications overworked sample email

Privacy controls

Turning this setting on will hide individual members application and URL data recordings adding a layer of privacy.

Insights page:

insights apps and URLs

Reports page:

app url reports privacy

To enable this feature, navigate to Settings & policies > Features > Activity > Data privacy. On the settings page, you can toggle the global setting to change it for the entire organization or toggle individual settings.

settings features activity data privacy

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