Hubstaff now offers our new Github integration specifically for Hubstaff Insights.
When you connect your Github repository into Hubstaff Insights, you will be able to view the following data:
- Throughput
- Average review requests
- Time to first review
- Average TTM (Time to merge)
- TTM (Time to merge) 95th percentile
- Context switching
- Review turnaround
- Contributor data
Here’s how you can connect your Github integration into Hubstaff Insights:
Step 1
Navigate to Insights on the sidebar menu.
Step 2
Click on the Output tab, then Add Github integration.
Step 3
Choose the Github organization you wish to connect.
Step 4
Choose the Github repository, then click Next.
Step 5
Choose which users you’d like to connect, then click Finish.
Step 6
Once you’re done, you will be taken back to the Insights > Output page with the Github details.
Here is a sample GitHub page with data: