Github Integration for Hubstaff Insights

Hubstaff now offers our new Github integration specifically for Hubstaff Insights.

GitHub sample page

When you connect your Github repository into Hubstaff Insights, you will be able to view the following data:

  1. Throughput
  2. Average review requests
  3. Time to first review
  4. Average TTM (Time to merge)
  5. TTM (Time to merge) 95th percentile
  6. Context switching
  7. Review turnaround
  8. Contributor data

Here’s how you can connect your Github integration into Hubstaff Insights:

Step 1

Navigate to Insights on the sidebar menu.

insights menu

Step 2

Click on the Output tab, then Add Github integration.

hubstaff insights add github integration

Step 3

Choose the Github organization you wish to connect.

github choose repository



Step 4

Choose the Github repository, then click Next.

github select repository

Step 5

Choose which users you’d like to connect, then click Finish.

github select users

Step 6

Once you’re done, you will be taken back to the Insights > Output page with the Github details.


Here is a sample GitHub page with data:

insights output github

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