If you use Breeze for project management, you can use Hubstaff to track time to Breeze projects and individual tasks.
Only the user with an Owner/Organization manager role on Hubstaff can set up an integration.
Here are the steps to set up your Breeze Integration:
Step 1
To get started, make sure you have the correct organization selected in the top right of the screen, then click on Settings > Integrations on the sidebar menu. Finally, select the Breeze logo from the list of available integrations.
Step 2
The first thing you need to do is obtain your API token from your Breeze account. You can follow the link in the Breeze instructions or you can go here (when logged into your account): https://app.breeze.pm/profile and then click on the Integration tab. You will find your API token at the top of that page.
Step 3
Go back to your integration setup page, then enter a name for your Breeze integration and then copy and enter the API from your Breeze setting page into the API token field. Click Next to continue.
Step 4
Choose to sync all Breeze projects or click on Select from a list to manually choose which projects you want to be connected with Hubstaff.
Step 5
Next, choose which members you wish to add to the integration. Additionally, you’ll be able to select/unselect all users, choose individual users to add, and you have the option to automatically add new users as well. Click Finish to complete the initial set-up.
Step 6
Users will then receive a confirmation email to connect their account.
At this point, you’ll need to contact your team members to check their email and click on the confirmation link sent to them.
Step 7
Users need to login to Breeze. Enter the API token on the form field, then click Connect.
Note that each user will need to enter their personal API token from Breeze to properly authenticate. To obtain their personal token, login to the Breeze homepage, then click here: https://app.breeze.pm/profile.
After authenticating, you will now see Breeze to-dos should flow back to the Hubstaff application.
Tasks might not sync right away. It can take approximately 5-10 minutes after linking your team. The integration needs be refreshed in Hubstaff in case there are any changes or additions to the projects for those changes to take effect, then link those accordingly.
Step 8
Users will be able to track time to Breeze to-dos by selecting the project name, then clicking the Play button next to a to-do.
Time writeback
On the Breeze task, you will see time written back as shown here:
Tasks might not sync right away. It can take approximately 5 minutes after linking your team. Also, please keep in mind that each time you add a new project or user to your project management tool, the integration needs be refreshed in Hubstaff for those changes to take effect, then link those accordingly. You may also manually retry synchronization by following the steps here.
Tasks can be completed outside of Hubstaff in the project management tool to have the time synced as well.
This integration supports logging time back to the integration as time entries. To learn more, click here.
Tasks synchronized with an integration will remain in Hubstaff as a simple task if the integration is deleted.
Subtasks are not supported with this integration.