Who Has Access to Screenshots at Hubstaff and Where are they Stored?


Who has access to my screenshots?


Some users in your organization can view your screenshots. Please refer to our permissions guide to learn more about who can view your screenshots.

Hubstaff has chosen to store all screenshots on Amazon’s S3 servers. We have selected AWS because of its industry standard security levels, uptime of data, and speed. Amazon’s servers, however, will obfuscate screenshots.

You can read more about Amazon’s security measures here: http://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/#How_secure_is_my_data 

High level employees and developers of Hubstaff will, from time to time, view your organization’s screenshots. Furthermore, these instances occur only to ensure that the Hubstaff software is working correctly.  This is only for testing purposes.

Employees at Amazon can also view your screenshots.

From our Privacy Policy:

Information collected by our desktop applications (Mac, Windows and Linux): We may also collect screenshots, applications currently being worked on, web URLs visited, time you are active, the operating system you are using, whether or not you have an input device such as a monitor, whether your mouse is actively moving or not, the names of projects or tasks being worked on, the amount of time worked on those tasks, the browser version you are using, and whether your keyboard is being typed on.

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