Hubstaff Dashboard All and Me Widgets

The Hubstaff dashboard allows you to view a snapshot of your team’s overall activities and performance, all in one central location with widgets for every performance metric available.

Your dashboard contains dashboard widgets that you can manage, remove, move around, and interact with. You can also access organization settings, timesheets, reports, and other aspects of Hubstaff information for you and your team.

There are multiple ways to manage your widgets and you can choose whether you’re looking at your team’s data or your own by selecting the All or Me tabs.

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Depending on the industry chosen during signup, you’ll see different sets of widgets available designed with each use case in mind. Below is a screenshot of the Field Services dashboard which features a map to easily track your fleet.

Screenshot of the Field Services dashboard.

Table of Contents

Managing Widgets

You may add/remove widgets by clicking on the Manage widgets button located towards the top right corner of your dashboard.

Removing widgets is a breeze via the three-dotted menu . First, click on the menu buttons on the widget and then click Remove.

You can also access the different widget options via the three-dotted menu. Some widgets have additional options relevant to the specific widget which you can access by clicking on the menu button for the widget and then selecting the option you would like to manage.

Dragging & dropping (moving) widgets. You can grab a widget and drag it to where you would like it to be and easily customize widgets and layouts on your dashboard.

dashboard widgets move

Widgets List

Below is a list of all available widgets:


The Map widget will show you how many users are tracking their time and locations.

  1. Active Workers – shows the total number of workers tracking time and locations.
  2. Active Job Sites – shows the total number of job sites visited.
  3. Map Markers – click on the map marker to see which users are tracking time to which job sites.
  4. Zoom buttons – allows you to zoom in and zoom out of the map.

The Members worked widget shows how many members have worked in the current business week. It also shows the change from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Projects worked widget shows how many projects were worked on in the current business week. It also shows the change from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Spent this week widget shows the total dollar amounts based on the user’s rates and the total time they tracked for the current business week. It also shows the change from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Spent today widget shows the total dollar amounts based on the user’s rates and the total time they tracked for the current business day. It also shows the change from the same day from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Today’s Activity widget shows the total activity for the current business day. It also shows the change from the same date of the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week. To learn more about how activity levels are calculated, click here.

The Weekly Activity widget shows the total activity for the current business week. It also shows the change from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week. To learn more about how activity levels are calculated, click here.

The Worked this week widget shows the total hours logged for the current business week. It also shows the change from the past week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Worked today widget shows the total hours logged for the current business day. It also shows the change from the same day last week below the number, as well as a daily trendline on the right side of the widget for the running week.

The Amounts owed widget shows the total amounts that are still unpaid/outstanding for yourself or your team for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Amounts Owed report.

The Apps & URLs widget shows the top applications and websites visited by your team while tracking time for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Apps & URLs report.

The Client Budgets widget shows the running amounts spent against a project’s set budget. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Client Budgets report.

The Invoices widget shows all invoices for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Invoice report.

The Late & Missed Shifts widget shows the team members who have been marked as late or have missed their shifts for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Attendance report.

The Low Activity widget shows the names of the users who have had low activities for the past week.

The Manual Time widget shows the manual time entries added for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Manual Time Edits report.

The Members widget shows the names of the users, their current status (active/inactive), how much time they’ve tracked today as well as their daily activity level, as well as weekly total tracked time and activity levels.

The Project Budgets widget compares how much was spent on a project versus the budget set for the project. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Project Budgets report.

The Project widget shows how much was logged on a project for the current business week. You may also click on the View Report button to navigate to the Project Budgets report.

The Recent Activity widget shows the names and the last 3 screenshots of the users who were last active for the past week.

The This Week widget shows the daily total time logged within the organization, or when viewing the Me Tab, shows your personal daily totals for the current business week. Click on the View Report button to navigate to the weekly reports page.

The Time Off Requested widget shows all pending time-off requests. Click on the View requests button to navigate to the time-off approvals section.

The Timesheets to approve widget shows all unapproved timesheets before they are processed for payroll.

The To-dos widget shows the last 3 tasks where time was recorded. Click on the View Report button to navigate to the Time and Activities report.

The Upcoming Time Off widget shows all the upcoming time-off requests for the current business week. Click on the View Report button to navigate to the Time off approvals page.

The Weekly Limits widget shows how much time was spent against the set weekly limit for each user.

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