Work Summary Emails in Hubstaff
If you would like to disable or change the frequency of work summary emails altogether in Hubstaff, simply click your avatar on the upper-right corner, then click on User settings & billing. Next, click on the Settings tab to open your dashboard settings.
You will then see the option to change the frequency of work summary emails to Daily, Weekly, or Never. Select the Never option if you wish to turn them off completely.
Organization owners and managers will receive two separate emails. First will be their own work summary email and the second email would be the organization’s work summary. If they turn off the work summary emails in the user settings, they will disable both emails.
The data in the work summary is displayed in the organization’s time zone. This means that if the user is in a different time zone, the data in the work summary won’t match with their timesheets or activities.
Work summaries are sent between 6-7 am according to the organization’s time zone.
If the organization has set a different start of week, the weekly work summaries will be sent when the organization’s week starts. This does not affect Daily work summaries.