Here are the ways to uninstall the Hubstaff application on different desktop operating systems:
Table of Contents
Uninstalling on Windows
Navigate to Apps & Features (Windows 10) Program & Features (Windows 8). Locate the Hubstaff app, then click the Uninstall button.
To delete Hubstaff data directory go to Run and type the following: %APPDATA%/Roaming/HubStaff
Uninstalling on OSX
Navigate to the Applications folder. Right click on the Hubstaff app, then click on Move to Trash.
To delete Hubstaff data directory open a new Finder window and use the following command to access the “Go to folder” search box: Command + Shift + G.Then type the following on the search box: ~/Library/Application Support/Hubstaff
Uninstalling on Linux
Navigate to the Hubstaff folder and drag the file to a terminal window. Please follow the steps below:
Step 1
Right click the .sh file and click “Properties”.
Step 2
Then make sure you allow executing the file as a program.
Step 3
Drag and drop the .sh file into the terminal window (or simply run the file path from the terminal window) and hit enter. This will get Hubstaff uninstalled from your computer.