Inviting agencies or freelancers to a job

Step 1

To invite freelancers or agencies to a job, you need to search for keywords related to your job in the Search for Keywords section, as highlighted in the image below. If you want to invite people of a particular skill set ( Ex: Graphic design ) or know the name of the person whom you want to invite, then you can also type the same in the Search profiles section at the top of the page.

Step 2

On this page, you will see the freelancers and agencies who match the keyword or skill you’ve searched for. There are also other filters available on the left side of the screen that help you to narrow your search based on parameters such as Location, Experience, etc.

If you’re interested to know more about a freelancer/agency before inviting them to apply for the job, click on their name to go to their profile page.

Step 3

After you have clicked on the Freelancers or Agencies profile name, you’ll see their profile with additional information such as Resume, Portfolio, etc. Here if you want to invite the freelancer to apply for your job, click on the Invite to Job button.

As you click on the Invite to job button, a Send Message window will pop-up.  You’ll be able to select the specific job you’re inviting the freelancer to and provide an introductory message. Once you’ve done that, click on ‘Send’ to send the job invite.

The Invite to job button really just sends them an email that lets the invitee know you’re interested in working with them – it’s not a contract or anything that guarantees you have to hire them – so if there’s information you need or questions you have before deciding if you want to hire them or not, you would simply want to make sure to include those questions in the message when you reach out to them.

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