How do I edit freelancer profiles that belong to an agency in Hubstaff Talent?

Freelancer profiles are required for a Hubstaff Talent Agency to be published. Please follow the steps below to learn how to modify or edit your agency member’s profiles:

Step 1

To edit the profiles within your agency, first, go to your Agencies page by clicking on your avatar on the upper right side of the page and click Agencies on the drop-down list:


Step 2

On your Agencies page, click on the Actions button and then click Members.

Step 3

On your Members page, you’ll see all the members that you have in your agency and you can just click on the Actions drop-down button and click Edit for the user you wanted to edit.


Step 4

After you have updated the information, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click Save.

Edit freelancer profile Save

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