Our GPS time clock allows your team to track their time when they’re on the road or out of the office. The app will allow you to always know where your team is through sophisticated location monitoring. Please follow the steps below to learn how to enable Location Services on your iOS or Android device.
iOS Users:
Enable Location Services
Step 1
Go to Settings and tap Privacy.
Step 2
Tap on Location Services and enable it.
Step 3
Tap on Hubstaff.
Step 4
Set location access to Always and enable the Precise Location setting.
Enable Motion and Fitness Tracking
Motion and fitness tracking in iOS allows the app to record locations as a backup of the Location Services feature when the app isn’t able to gather location data.
Enabling Motion and Fitness tracking for your iPhone on the Privacy page
Before enabling motion and fitness for the Hubstaff application, you’ll need to enable your phone’s global Motion & Fitness tracking setting. To turn on motion and fitness tracking for your phone, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Motion & Fitness > Enable Fitness tracking.
You can also enable it by tapping the notification area on the Hubstaff app:
Enabling Motion and Fitness tracking for the Hubstaff app
To enable motion & fitness for the Hubstaff app, please follow these steps:
Step 1
Click on the yellow notification area on the Hubstaff app, as shown above.
Step 2
This will open up a prompt requesting to open a settings page. Click on the Open Settings beside Motion and Fitness.
Step 3
Next, please click on the Allow on set-up button. This will have a pop-up requesting you to allow access to motion and fitness. Click Ok
Alternatively, go straight to the settings app on your phone.
Step 1
Open the Settings app on your phone.
Step 2
Scroll down to the apps section located at the bottom of the settings page, then tap Hubstaff.
Step 3
Move the slider to turn on:
- Location- set to Always
- Motion & Fitness
- Background App Refresh
Android 9+ Users:
Step 1
Go to Settings and tap Location
Step 2
Click the slider on the right of Use location It may ask you to agree to some terms.
Step 3
Once you have selected use location go ahead and select App permissions In which you need to select Hubstaff
Step 4
In the Hubstaff location permissions be sure to select Allow all the time
Android Users: (Pre 9.0)
Step 1
Go to Settings and tap Google
Step 2
Select Location
Step 3
Select App level permissions
Step 4
Click the slider on the right hand side of Hubstaff to enable location for that app specifically.
When these settings are turned off when location tracking is required, users/managers/owners will be notified via email.