Changing your organization’s currency in Hubstaff

Change Currency in Hubstaff


Does Hubstaff allow you to change the organization’s currency?


Hubstaff offers support for multiple currency types, to change the currency in your organization follow the steps below:

Step 1

Navigate to Settings > All settings on the sidebar menu.

settings all settings

Step 2

Select Company information under Organization.

all settings company information

Step 3

Click on the Currency option and you will see a dropdown list where you can select the currency for your organization.

Upon selecting a currency, you will see a notification letting you know that you need to manually update pay rates (rates are not converted when currency is changed).

Step 4

Click Save to save your changes.

You will see your team members’ pay rates change to the currency you have selected.

pay rate samples

Team payments and past payments will also show in the currency you have paid them in. If you change currencies after making a payment, it will not affect how previous payments are displayed. You will always be able to see the amount of your last payment and what currency it was made in.


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