
This feature is only available on Grow plans and up.
Currently, expenses are only included in client invoices.

Our new expenses feature lets you keep track of all non-time related costs to your organization and invoice expense items and mark them as paid. Users can upload receipts, categorize expenses, and connect them to projects for invoicing.

Expense 1

Table of contents

Creating an Expense

Step 1

Navigate to Financials then Expenses on the sidebar menu.



Step 2

Click on the Add expense button.

add expense

Step 3

The New expense dialog will appear. Fill in the expense description, date, amount, category, project, upload files (i.e. screenshots of receipts), mark the item as billable/non-billable then hit the Save button.

new expense

Only the projects where the user is a manager or user will appear on the project drop-down..

Step 4

The expense is now created.

Expense 1


Editing an Expense

Step 1

Navigate to Financials then Expenses on the sidebar menu.


Step 2

Next to the expense you wish to edit, click on Actions then select Edit expense.

edit expense


Step 3

The Edit Expense dialog will appear where you can make changes to your current expense. Once done, click on the Save button.

edit expense modal

Removing an Expense

Step 1

Navigate to Financials then Expenses on the sidebar menu.


Step 2

Next to the expense you wish to remove, click on Actions then select Remove expense.

remove expense


Step 3

Click OK to confirm the removal.

Invoicing Expenses

Once an expense is logged, the expense items can be invoiced via Client or User Invoices.

Currently, expenses can only be logged to Client invoices.


Client Invoice

Step 1

Navigate to Financials then Invoices on the sidebar menu.

invoices 1

Step 2

Select Clients.

Step 3

Click on New Invoice.


Step 4

Select a client from the Client drop-down.


Step 5

Click the Generate line items button.

Step 6

Fill in the details on the Generate line items dialog and make sure the Include expenses setting is enabled. Hit Generate to continue.


Step 7

The expense line items will be included on the invoice.

row expense

Step 8

Hit Save as draft to save your generated invoice for billing at a later time, or Save and send to send the invoice to the client’s registered email address.

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