How do I invite members to my agency on Hubstaff Talent?

Step 1

To invite members to an agency, click on your avatar picture towards the top-right of the page, then click “Agencies“.

Step 2

Next, click on the “Members” button on the agency you want to add the profile to.

Step 3

Once you’re on the agency’s members page, you can invite a freelancer profile by clicking on the “Invite Member” button on the top of the page:

Step 4

A window should pop-up and you’ll be able to invite your members with their emails and set them up with their respective roles in your agency (User or Owner). You can also click on the “Copy Link” button to invite users using the invite link.

You can also access the members page and mange your profiles by viewing the agency (you must be singed in to see the admin buttons at the top).

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