Turning All Desktop Notifications on/off for Hubstaff

You can turn off any desktop notifications from Hubstaff by following the steps below:

Table of Contents

Windows (Windows 11)

Step 1

Click on the Windows button, then click Settings.

win11 settings

Step 2

Click on System, then Notifications.

win11 system notifications

Step 3

Toggle the setting for the Hubstaff client on to enable notifications.

win11 hubstaff notifications

Windows (Windows 10)

Step 1

To add, disable, or enable notifications, begin by clicking the Action Center icon located on the right-hand side of the Windows taskbar.

Step 2

Then, click the All Settings button with the gear icon and select System in the top-left corner of the window.

Step 3

Afterward, click Notifications & Actions. You’ll be presented with a list of settings concerning your notification preferences. Toggle switches on and off as you see fit — whether talking Windows tips, alarms, reminders, or app notifications — or scroll down to the bottom of the window to enable and disable notifications for particular apps such as Twitter and Outlook. You can even set up Windows 10 to hide notifications when you’re presenting, which is key when presenting for a business meeting or giving a lecture.

Windows (Windows 8.1)

Step 1

Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap ‘Settings’. (If you’re using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, and then click ‘Settings’.)

Step 2

Tap or click ‘Change PC settings’, tap or click ‘Search and apps’, and then ‘Notifications’.

Step 3

Under ‘Show notifications from these apps’, set the app you want to On or Off.


Step 1

Choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Notifications.

Step 2

Toggle the Allow notifications setting on or off.

osx notifications settings

The app’s notifications won’t appear on your screen. If you also don’t want to see the app’s notifications listed in Notification Center, drag the app down, to the Not in Notification Center list on the left.

On MacOS Monterey, enabling the “Do not disturb” on your iPhone also disables notifications on your mac. To enable it, open your Focus > Focus Preferences > Share across devices settings to enable notifications.

macos focus notifications


Open system monitor and right click on notify-osd and use Stop Process and Continue Process

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