More Screenshots Add-on

If you are an organization that requires more screenshots than our maximum current limit (3 screenshots every 10 minutes), you can power up by signing up with our More Screenshots add-on, which allows you to take up to 10x screenshots every 10 minutes.

This add-on can be added to any paid plan. To find up-to-date pricing information and explore all the features we offer, head over to our pricing page.
Requires desktop version 1.6.15. Users on older apps need to update their application to make sure this feature is activated.

Table of contents

Signing up for the add-on

To sign up for the more screenshots add-on, follow these steps:

Step 1

First, from the left-hand side menu navigate to Settings > Billing.

The pop-over is also available on other pages.

settings and policies billing

Step 2

Look for the More screenshots add-on option and then click on Add add-on.

Screenshot add-on yearly plan

Step 3

Finally, click on the Add button. The total charge will change depending on your plan and the payment interval. In the example below, we used a 5-seat monthly account. **Please note that prices may change without notice. Check our pricing page for up-to-date pricing information.




You’ll also receive a notification that the add-on has been successfully added to your plan.

Confirmation More Screenshot add-on added


Once added, you can choose your screenshot options. Instructions on the next section.

Setting up the options

To modify the screenshot frequency settings for all or individual team members, navigate to Settings > Features > Activity  > Screenshot frequency.

  1. Firstly, to change the default setting for all users, click the Default drop-down.
  2. Secondly, to change individual settings, change the setting next to each team member’s name.

Control the number of screenshots taken in a 10 minute period


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