Can I edit manual time for other users?

In Hubstaff, owners and managers may allow or disallow users from being able to add or edit time. This is particularly useful when managing team timesheets and ensuring that the data is accurate.


Can you edit manual time for others in Hubstaff?


Yes, this function is only available to the Owner and Manager roles. They can add, edit, or delete time for users. First, you have to enable the Modify time setting in your organization’s settings.

Please note that users will always have the ability to delete their time entries. When time entries are deleted, screenshots and activity levels are deleted permanently from the server and cannot be restored. Please exercise caution when deleting activities. Time entries can be added manually when deleted by mistake.

Step 1

To enable the Modify Time setting, Navigate to Settings > Features from the main navigation bar.

Modify Time Settings Features


Step 2

Click on the Timesheets tab, then Modify time.

Timesheets Modify Time Settings

Then you can enable the setting for individual users (they must be a Manager or Owner within the organization) so that they can edit time for other users.

Ensure the default setting toggle is deselected. Then, click on the toggle next to the relevant user’s name.


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