Billable & Unbillable Hours

Managing which projects are billable to a client is easy. By following the steps below, you’ll be able to assign projects to two categories – Billable and Non-billable. This feature is generally used for client invoicing.

Both billable and nonbillable projects count towards the time that is recorded on the reports and timesheets and it is payable via manual and automatic payments.

The image below shows two types of time tracked by a user: The first time span shows time tracked to a billable project and the second time span shows non-billable time.

Timesheets showing time tracked to both a Billable and Non-billable project. The “$” sign next to the duration shows when time is Billable.

Table of contents


How to mark project hours as billable or unbillable

Add a new project

Step 1

Select Project Management from the main navigation menu and click Projects. Then, click on Add project on the upper right side of the Projects page.

menu project management projects

Step 2

Complete all necessary fields regarding your new project, including the project’s name, client, and team details.

Under the General Tab, set the toggle to billable (√) if you wish for all hours recorded towards the project to be marked as billable. If you do not, toggle off (x).

Press Save to finalize your new project.

addproject bill


Edit a pre-existing project

Step 1

Select Project Management from the main navigation menu and click Projects. Then, click on Actions against the relevant project.

Select Edit project from the drop-down menu.

menu project management projects


Step 2

Set the toggle to billable (√) if you wish for all hours recorded towards the project to be marked as billable. If you do not, toggle off (x).

Press Save to confirm the changes made.

editproj bill

How to mark manual time entries as billable or unbillable

Adding a new manual time entry

Step 1

Click on Timesheets then View & edit and select Daily. Then, click the Add time button.

Step 2

Complete all necessary fields regarding your manual time entry, including the project/to-do, time span, and duration details.

Check the billable tick-box if you wish for all hours recorded towards the time entry to be marked as billable. If you do not, deselect the tick-box.

Press Save to finalize your new manual time entry.

Add bill

Editing a pre-existing manual time entry

Step 1

Click on Timesheets then View & edit and select Daily. Then, click on Actions against the relevant time period. Select Edit time entry from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

Alter any aspects of the time entry you wish to change. Then, check the billable tick-box if you wish for all hours recorded towards the time entry to be marked as billable. If you do not, deselect the tick-box.

Press Save to finalize your changes.

edit bill


How to mark only select hours in a time entry as billable

In order to mark certain hours as billable or unbillable within a time period, you will need to split the time entry to separate it.

For example, if you have a time period of 8 am – 12 pm tracked for that day, and you wish to mark 9 pm – 12 pm as billable/unbillable you will need to first split the time entry. This designates 9 pm – 12 pm as a separate time entry.

To do this, please follow the steps below.

Step 1

Click on Timesheets then View & edit and select Daily. Then, click on Actions against the relevant time period. Select Split time entry from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

  1. Under the Reassign time section, enter the time period you wish to mark as billable/unbillable. In the example above, you would enter 9am – 12pm.
  2. Check the billable tick-box if you wish for all hours recorded towards the time entry to be marked as billable. If you do not, deselect the tick-box.
  3. Select the project and the to-do name.
  4. Press Save to confirm the changes made.

split bill

Step 3

You will see the hours marked with a dollar sign if they are labeled billable. If you have selected hours to be marked as un-billable, the dollar sign will be removed.

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